Texas A&M AgriLife AgriLife IT SDG CDN

This AgriLife IT CDN is curated by the Software Development Group at AgriLife Information Technology. Dated libraries are subject to removal, without notice, once they have been phased out of usage in SDG applications. If you utilize this CDN for your own applications, we recommend notifying the SDG group (Summer Wilson and Karsten Pearce) in AIT so they can provide notification of pending library removals.

This CDN is built to house the common libraries and images utilized across web applications developed by the Software Development Group at AgriLife Information Technology.

By utilizing this CDN, we are able to improve performance across our applications as users' browsers will be able to use singular cached versions of unchanging code.

Usage: Preface links with //agrilife-cdn.tamu.edu/ (or right click and choose copy link)

Libraries included here have been carefully curated to include only stable, production ready, vetted scripting and design libraries and frameworks. Bleeding edge releases are not supported.

Where libraries do not retain individual version documentation sets, documentation links to what's available for the current version; it is up to the user to check for differences


5.3.3 (documentation)

4.5.3 (documentation)

4.4.1 (documentation)

Bootstrap Table

1.24.0 (documentation)

CKEditor5 (full package)

41.3.0 (documentation)


2.0.3 with Bootstrap 5 theme built-in (documentation)

Extension & Plugins

1.13.4 with Bootstrap 5 theme built-in (documentation)

Extension & Plugins

1.10.21 with Bootstrap 4 theme built-in (documentation)

Extension & Plugins

1.10.20 with Bootstrap 4 theme built-in (documentation)



2.7.2 (documentation)



6.5.2 (documentation)

5.15.1 (documentation)

5.11.2 (documentation)


5.0.8 (documentation)

5.0.5 (documentation)


3.7.1 (documentation)

3.6.4 (documentation)

3.5.1 (documentation)

3.4.1 (documentation)

jQuery Cookie

3.0.5 (documentation)

2.2.0 (documentation)


3.4.4 (documentation)


No Longer Maintained: Do NOT use for new projects! Use InputMask instead!

1.4.1 (documentation)


Legacy and In Maintenance Mode: Replaced by Luxon for new projects

2.29.1 (documentation)

2.24.0 (documentation)


2.11.8 (documentation)

1.16.1 (documentation)

1.15.0 (documentation)


4.0.13 (documentation)

4.0.12 (documentation)

Tempus Dominus

6.9.4 (documentation)

5.1.2 (documentation)


No Longer Maintained: Do NOT use for new projects!

1.2.0 (documentation)

Images housed in this CDN represent the official logos of AgriLife and comply with all image use guidelines, as of November 26, 2019.

Note: all images are displayed below at 50% width; full size dimensions are shown behind the image descriptions in parethesis. White logos are shown with a colored background purely for display purposes.

CAS Login Images

AgriLife CAS (100x100)


TAMU NetID CAS (100x100)


Texas A&M AgriLife (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (756x213)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (756x213)


Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (839x311)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (839x311)


Texas A&M AgriLife Research (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (806x311)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (806x311)


Texas A&M Forest Service (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Moon & Gray, primary colors (1167x261)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (1167x261)


Texas A&M College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (COALS) (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (1500x497)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (1189x364)


Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboatory (TVMDL) (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (1343x615)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (670x296)


Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (1161x257)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (1129x214)


Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) (Brand Guidelines and Additional Logos)

Full color (1141x508)


White color for use on colored backgrounds (1141x508)


Texas A&M System Member Mark (Usage Guidelines)

Full color (908x690)


This AgriLife IT CDN is curated by the Software Development Group at AgriLife Information Technology. Dated libraries are subject to removal, without notice, once they have been phased out of usage in SDG applications. If you utilize this CDN for your own applications, we recommend notifying the SDG group (Summer Wilson and Karsten Pearce) in AIT so they can provide notification of pending library removals.